Memberships: $30.00 All memberships will include a spouse and children
17 and under. Memberships will run from April 1st until March 31st
the following year to coincide with DMV’s registrations. You will need
a voucher to register your sled(s). You will receive one voucher for
all sleds registered to your address. With a voucher, registration will
remain at $45.00 for each sled registered to your address. Each person spouse or child under 18
listed on the voucher can register using the same voucher as long as
the address is the same. Once you have joined, your voucher will also
be available for you to reprint from the NYSSA website. To join a club, print the member application at the bottom of this page, go to Federation Chapters page, click on the club of your choice to find contact information. Fill out the application and mail to your choice, with your check for $30.00 made out to the club. The club will then mail your voucher. You can also click the NYSSA link on the Home page and join on-line there, pay with credit card and print a voucher. You will still need to choose a club. Allegany clubs are listed there as well. Once you have joined a club, please consider becoming an active member by attending meetings and participating in club activities. Keep in mind that snowmobiling is an all-volunteer sport, and most clubs would welcome any kind of help. Also, all money paid for registration goes directly back into the trail fund for use in building and maintaining trails statewide, with the exception of $10.00, which the DMV keeps for administrative costs.
JOIN ON LINE! You can now join on line by using the link provided here. You will need to click on the club of your choice, fill in the on line application and provide credit card information Visa or Mastercard. You will then be able to print your voucher. All member information and dues will be sent to the individual club. Thank you for choosing the Allegany Federation of Snowmobilers. |